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  • SSC Exam Notes

    Price:    3750₹ 5000₹

    SSC Exam Notes It is really hard to get the compilation of all the study notes and materials with quality and reliability in one single place. Kautilya Academy is here to provide you the whole compilation under a single roof. SSC examination consists of four core subjects viz. GS, Aptitude, Reasoning, and English. Each subject in the SSC examination needs a unique strategy to cover…

    In category: SSC

    SSC Exam Notes

    It is really hard to get the compilation of all the study notes and materials with quality and reliability in one single place. Kautilya Academy is here to provide you the whole compilation under a single roof. SSC examination consists of four core subjects viz. GS, Aptitude, Reasoning, and English. Each subject in the SSC examination needs a unique strategy to cover the syllabus. The notes for GS, Aptitude, Reasoning, and English are expertly devised by brilliant and intuitive faculties. We, to our fullest extent, tried to formulate the notes with ease and simplicity including short tricks, abbreviations, and basic strategies. Kautilya Academy notes are meant for success, hence ensuring satisfaction is our utmost priority. These notes are available to you in English and Hindi mediums.

    Key Features

    • Separate booklets for each core subject to avoid fuzziness.
    • Comprehensive coverage of all the GS topics with special reference to General Awareness.
    • Great emphasis over current affairs along-with the traditional subjects as GA which has high weightage.
    • Short tricks at the end of descriptive solution for every aptitude question that will save your time along-with conceptual understanding.
    • A large number of amazing tips and tricks for solving reasoning questions.
    • Enormous reading comprehension passages with uniqueness in each to learn time management.
    • Special booklet for previous year complete solved papers to boost your confidence and accuracy with time.
    • An enormous number of PYQs and expected questions sets at the end of each chapter to check your knowledge after learning.
    • Special yearly current affairs booklet or magazine.