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  • How to overcome Stress during MPPSC Preparation

    Posted by : Kautilya Academy /

    What is Stress?

    Before we start, let's understand Stress, Stress is your body’s way of showing you that you are tired and burnt-out. It can lead to demotivation and a decrease in productivity. There are two states in which all humans can exist:- relaxed or stressed. When you are relaxed, your energy vibrates at a high frequency, and your body recharges itself. You heal and replenish your skills during this time.

    However, when you’re stressed, your energy gets exhausted and your healing powers slow down. You tend to feel tired and burnt-out during this time.

    There is a need to strike a balance between stress and relaxation in our day-to-day lives and also for the preparation of any exams.

    Go for a Walk:-
    Walking increases the flow of endorphins, a chemical produced by the body to release stress and anxiety. An increase in these hormones will get your creative juices flowing. So, next time you get up from your study to take a break, take a walk of 15-20 minutes.

    Take Deep Breaths:-
    We have all heard of this one, This is the easiest way to calm your nerves. It helps to release stress in the span of 5-10 minutes. All you have to do is take a deep breath in, hold for a few seconds and slowly breathe out. The 4-7-8 breathing technique is a bonus, This will increase the flow of oxygen in your body and help reduce stress. If you are not interested in exercise, then this one’s for you. Deep breaths really help to reduce your heartbeat.

    Plan your study schedule:-
    Sometimes, your body needs an action plan to prepare itself for what's to come. You can write down the schedule at the beginning of the day for the coming hours and help prepare your brain. It also helps in prioritizing important tasks. Make sure these tasks are attainable within the given time frame. This technique can calm your nerves and help you get ready for a more productive day.

    Listen to some music:-
    It doesn't matter what kind of music you listen to. It is scientifically proven that listening to music increases productivity and motivation, as well as increases activity. It de-stresses your body and helps reduce hormones that negatively affect our weight, immune system and brain. Therefore listening to music can reduce your stress to a great extent.

    Drink Coffee or Tea:-
    Coffee has high amounts of caffeine that can increase anxiety and stress. It makes the person consuming it hyperactive. When you’re stressed and need a breather, tea will help you do just that. Tea also reduces inflammation and provides the energy boost you need. So, steer away from that coffee maker and grab a cup of Tea.

    Interact with a Friend:-
    This can be an interesting way to refresh yourself. Have you noticed how your mood instantly brightens up after talking to a friend? This is because your body releases a hormone called oxytocin that decreases stress and instantly lifts your mood. Moreover, it helps form better bonds with friends! Pick up your phone and call someone you miss!

    Stretch can be a way:-
    Just like walking, stretching your body can loosen your stiffness. It increases blood flow and helps regain energy and motivation. Techniques for neck, back, and shoulder stretching are readily available online. Get out of your study chair and do some relaxing stretching exercises.

    Do Something that You Love:-
    When you do something about your hobbies then automatically your mind get stressed free. Sounds pretty cliche, but doing something you love makes your body release serotonin, a hormone that acts as a mood booster and helps you get out of your burnt-out stage. Do whatever makes you happy. It could be reading a book, cooking or even cleaning! Anything that fills you with contentment will help you decrease stress.

    Plan your Study at Outdoors:-
    Studying outside can help boost your productivity. Studies show that along with improving your mood, it makes you healthier and fitter. Fresh air not only revives energy but also leads to more creativity. The increased demands for outdoor activities like gaming, camping and hiking, clearly show the life-changing impact of nature. 

    Most Importantly, meditation is a real way to decrease your stress level. Meditating can be extremely helpful to calm anxiety-induced stress. All you need to do is focus on your breathing and close your eyes while thinking of a happy place. It also helps you increase patience levels and become more mindful of everything you do. Meditation works well if done for approximately 15 minutes every morning. It releases stress for the upcoming day and gathers the energy needed to get through.

    Clean Your Study Desk:-
    Sometimes, the mind needs to declutter or be in clean surroundings to calm down. A clean environment helps you focus better and explore your creativity. A study showed that students who washed dishes had more positivity and happiness. Organise your desk and see how it works out for you, it will definitely help you.

    Chewing Gum can help:-
    Studies show that chewing gum can reduce stress and anxiety. Chew it for at least three minutes to see results. Chewing gum produces brain waves that are strikingly similar to the brain waves of relaxed people. Moreover, it promotes blood flow to the brain and lowers anxiety levels. It also helps you to refresh yourself. At the time you feel lazy, chew a pack of chewing gum, and relax your mind, which will really help you to be stress-free.

    Laughing can be the best way:-
    Studies show that laughing, even fake, can cause your body to release endorphins. It decreases stress-causing cortisol and calms down the bursts of adrenaline. so this can be the right way to recharge yourself and get back to your routine.

    Sleep Better:-
    If you sleep at least 6-8 hours then this can help you to focus more on your studies. Stress causes you to lose sleep, and less sleep is one of the main factors of stress. This cycle is not suitable for your body. Make sure you sleep for 7-8 hours daily, as doctors recommend. It replenishes your energy and lifts your learning mood.

    Eat Healthy Food:-
    We unconsciously pick up sugary and fat-filled foods to lift our moods when we’re feeling low. However, these foods might be the very reason for our stress. You can never go wrong with fruits and vegetables. Omega-3 fatty acids have also proven to calm down stress and anxiety. Plan your meals, and you’ll do much better while coping up with stress.

    Healthy Lifestyle Habits:-
    The following are a series of healthy habits that help you to cope with stress:-

    • Waking up early and drinking a glass of water
    • Taking a hot shower
    • Having three healthy meals in a day
    • Avoiding junk foods
    • Working out at least three times a week
    • Focusing on moving your body and getting as little screen time as possible
    • Reading at least 20 pages a day
    • Going to sleep early and getting 7-8 hours of rest
    • These tips will not only help you lift your spirits up every day but will also aid your health and immune system in the long run.