Why Test Series are Important for Civil Services preparation?

Why Test Series are Important for Civil Services preparation?

   Kautilya Academy    16-06-2022

A candidate can analyze his/her performance in the Test Series and make the necessary changes to avoid the same mistakes in the actual examination. Solving the practice test/test series will help you to get to know how the actual test will be. It will give you an idea about various things like the paper pattern, what kind of questions can be asked, the difficulty level of the questions, and how much time it takes to complete the test.


Without attempting a test series you will not know how good/bad your preparation is. You can join the test series and make strategies, plan your study schedule and make your preparation to the mark.

Practice makes man perfect and for competitive exams, Test Series are what makes a difference between any candidate and the topper.

So why are test series important? What are the advantages of mock tests? Why are tests so useful to students?

Let’s answer these questions by this educational blog.


  1. It Helps to familiarize with the real exam environment:


Test Series are designed as per the actual test papers. These test papers acquaint you with the nearly same question pattern, syllabus, and difficulty level. Thereby, giving Test Series help Aspirants to get familiarized with the actual exam environment. Attempt Kautilya Academy Online/Offline Tests Series to get familiarized with respective exam patterns. This will really help students to understand the exam pattern.


  1. Prevents Nervousness and Boosts Confidence:


Stress and anxiety are two factors that matter a lot during exam preparation. These factors can adversely affect exam performance. It has been observed quite a few times, that candidates lose marks because of being too nervous or over-stressed. When you are nervous, it affects your memory and concentration which sometimes, may cause a “blank-out” during the exam. If you can get familiar with the exam pattern, you can overcome this exam fear. So when you solve enough test series you will know what it is like in the actual exam. When you score well enough in Test Marks you would also have confidence that you can do well in the actual exam too.


  1. Analyze & Evaluate Your Preparation:


When you attend a test or a quiz, you can check your wrong answers and identify your weakest topics, and prepare them again. Test Series can be the final thing to success in your exam. All your correct answers on a particular topic will depict which part of your syllabus is your strength and do not need any more focus. Test Series will help you remember the concepts. It will also help you to keep revising the syllabus again every time after you solve a Test.


  1. Improve your Speed and Time-Management:


Time management plays a crucial role during exam time. Most of the aspirants are unable to complete their exam paper within the given time and lose marks, despite of knowing the correct answers. Candidates often face difficulty in attempting all the questions with absolute accuracy in the given time. Test papers are designed as per the actual Exam Paper pattern, by solving them it will help you to manage your time and correctly answer the entire question paper. 


Solving test series will give you an idea of how fast or slow you are. speed can be a final factor for any competitive exam. When you solve tests you might realize that you need more time for a particular section and less for another. Once you know this, you can plan on how much time to spend on each section in such a way that you can complete the paper and even have ample time to think about a certain question.


  1. Easiest Way to Revise the Syllabus:


Attempting test series not only boost your confidence but actually revises your whole syllabus. The most common problem that students face during their exam preparation is that they start forgetting the earlier chapters once they move forward to the next topics. Test papers are designed so that they cover almost every important topic of the syllabus. Hence, solving them will help students in getting a complete revision of the syllabus regularly. So, if you’ve already revised a certain section of your syllabus once or twice, you can use a Test Series or a mock test to make your revision stronger.


  1. Helps in Strategy Formulation


Attempting test series will actually realise what should be your strategy in the main exam. Whatever strategy you have devised for attempting your exam, you will know if it works or not only when you solve the test series. Hence, rather than experimenting on your final exam, it is better to experiment with the help of mock tests and find the perfect exam strategy that fits your goals. 

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